
Link Round Up

Friday Link Roundup: January 4, 2019


Current: an exhibition of the Southern Crossings Pottery Festival opens at Craft(s) Gallery & Mercantile tonight with a reception 6-9pm.

Industrial Wastelands Solo Exhibition from Dean Thomas opens at Tim Faulkner Gallery.


We Too Are Louisville - Collaborative Art Creation Workshop at 1619 flux Art+Activism


The Carnegie Center for Art and History presents Biophilia Life; or, My Best Friend Has Four Legs and a Tail.

Deborah Whistler: “Follow The Rabbit” is at Moreman Gallery through January 19, 2019. 

Cletus Wilcox, Joshua Bleecker Suyun Son at Tim Faulkner Gallery.

Patricia Brock Photography Exhibit opens at KORE Gallery.

SewIn Qulit and Fiber Biennial opens across the river in New Albany.

Elsa Hansen Oldham "Muses" is at KMAC through January 27, 2019.


LVA's Artebella On The Radio: November 1, 2018

Alex Adams

Alex Adams

Alex Adams & Beth Bradley from AA Clay Studio & Gallery joined us November 1 on LVA's Artebella On The Radio to talk Open Studio Weekend - which is THIS weekend, Nov. 3 & 4, and all things clay. Tune in every Thursday at 10am to WXOX 97.1 FM/Artxfm.com to hear artists talk with Keith Waits about their work.

Beth Bradley

Beth Bradley