Public Radio

Artists Talk With LVA: February 3, 2022

Margaret Archambeault & Carter Brown join us to discuss their work on exhibit at Tim Faulkner Gallery. Tune in to WXOX 97.1 FM/ each Thursday at 10 am to hear Keith Waits talk with artists.

Margaret Archambault is an abstract painter and the Gallery Director at Tim Faulkner Gallery in Louisville. She describes her work as three distinct approaches: Direct Experience: or what I call “Depictive Abstraction” Straight Expressionism, and Historical Collage Paintings. She has exhibited widely in Louisville and the surrounding area and in 2021 exhibited as a part of Purely Primary, Van Der Plas Gallery, New York, NY.

Carter Brown is a Louisville-born abstract expressionist artist working various mediums trying to “invite as many people in as possible His work is positive and full of whimsy. He has a studio space on East Market Street.

The February exhibit at Tim Faulkner Gallery will feature new paintings from:
Carter Brown
Grant Goodwine
Joshua Bleecker
Mark Zanni
Margaret Archambault

This show will run through February 28th.