
Mixed Media, Painting, Sculpture

Vignette: Tom Pfannerstill

"Ali Center and River West" by Tom Pfannerstill, 30x45in, acrylic on canvas (2016)

"Ali Center and River West" by Tom Pfannerstill, 30x45in, acrylic on canvas (2016)

Artists are sometimes magicians, creating illusions of space and time. Tom Pfannerstill’s “From the Street” series appear to be trash, candy boxes, fast food cups, oilcans, violently pressed flat by the heavy tread of delivery trucks. The artist finds these items in the street and alleyways, but this is not what you see on the gallery wall. Pfannerstill recreates each cast-off container as carved wood sculptures painted with acrylics.

It is a highly successful trompe l’oeil effect. The notion of picking any of these up by hand in the alley might be distasteful, but the seductive desire to touch the sculptural replication is difficult to control, even if only to verify that they are indeed not the flattened and filthy ‘real thing’. Pfannerstill applies the same approach to recreating objects from around his studio “They have been altered, bent, folded and scarred,” explains the artist, “ …in a word individualized. They touch on issues of commercialism and consumerism, but are mostly intended to be subtle reminders of the temporality of all things.”

"Spring Street Tavern" by Tom Pfannerstill, 19.25x24in, acrylic on canvas (2016)

"Spring Street Tavern" by Tom Pfannerstill, 19.25x24in, acrylic on canvas (2016)

Pfannerstill is most renowned for the painted sculptures, but actually is identified through several different styles and medium. “The work changes often, but I find myself returning again and again to several major areas of investigation; three-dimensional still life, found object works, a series of the human head (in this case, mine), quilts and quilt patterns using un-quiltlike materials, blue paintings, and of late black paintings.”

Now, inspired by flying out of NYC at night, Pfannerstill hs been immersed in a series of paintings of cities at night; darkness punctuated by points of light. The work is not like anything people are familiar from this artist, which is why he is particularly excited about them. 

Pfannerstill currently has a show in Nashville Tennessee at the Cumberland Gallery. He will also be exhibiting with Caroline Waite at Galerie Hertz in Louisville, Kentucky November 13 through December 31, 2016.

Hometown: Louisville
Age: 64
Education: BFA, Western Kentucky University, 1975; School of Hard Knocks, 1975-present
Gallery Representation: Galerie Hertz, Louisville; Cumberland Gallery, Nashville, TN; Jonathan Novak Contemporary, Los Angeles, CA; Ellis-Walker Gallery, Bowling Green, KY; Sager-Braudis Gallery, Columbia, MO
Website: http://www.tpfannerstill.com

"Brillo" by Tom Pfannerstill, acrylic and/or enamel on carved basswood (2016)

"Brillo" by Tom Pfannerstill, acrylic and/or enamel on carved basswood (2016)

"Eggo" by Tom Pfannerstill, acrylic and/or enamel on carved basswood (2016)

"Eggo" by Tom Pfannerstill, acrylic and/or enamel on carved basswood (2016)

"Ultimate Lemons" by Tom Pfannerstill, acrylic and/or enamel on carved basswood (2016)

"Ultimate Lemons" by Tom Pfannerstill, acrylic and/or enamel on carved basswood (2016)

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Written by Keith Waits. Entire contents copyright © 2016 Louisville Visual Art. All rights reserved.

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Mixed Media

Vignette: Jacque Parsley

"The waste of the world becomes my art." - Kurt Schwitters

A photograph of Parsley in her studio.

A photograph of Parsley in her studio.

Jacque Parsley claims this is her favorite quote, and it speaks to an aspect of the lives of artists that bears a spotlight: that long before it become fashionable or socially conscious to recycle, artists were repurposing all kinds of materials. It is a part of their DNA to see potential in things discarded by others.

For Parsley, this manifests it self in collage techniques that incorporate previously used elements. Her sculptures are constructed from a range of odds and ends, but the doll parts are a signature motif for her. Gentle and childlike, but also full of the connotations of dread, menace, and the tragic loss of innocence that have attached themselves to dolls that have been relegated to the dumpster.

"Superb Hibiscus" by Jacque Parsley, 18x15x1in, mixed media collage (2016), $300 | BUY NOW

"Superb Hibiscus" by Jacque Parsley, 18x15x1in, mixed media collage (2016), $300 | BUY NOW

The artist alludes to exactly such associations: "Collage to me is like a visual daydream. It is serious play. You delve into your subconscious, and let your intuition take over. When you come out of ‘the zone’ you make rational corrections.”

In her new 2D mixed media pieces the collection of disparate imagery speak to the power of memory, which collage is perfectly suited for. “I use the flotsam and jetsam of everyday life, including old photos, vintage postcards, advertising trade cards, and stamps from my father’s stamp collection.”

Parsley’s work will be featured in the upcoming Mix it UP exhibit at New Editions Gallery in Lexington, KY, and in the Day of the Dead show at Craft Gallery and Mercantile in Louisville, KY. 

You can visit Jacque parsley in her studio in Louisville during OPEN STUDIO WEEKEND, November 5 & 6, 2016. The event benefits scholarship programs for Louisville Visual Art and University of Louisville’s Hite Art Institute and tickets may be purchased here

Age: 69 going on 70
Hometown: Memphis, Tennessee
Education: BFA Louisville School of Art; MA University of Louisville; MFA University of Louisville
Website: kentuckyartists.com
Gallery Representation: Craft Gallery and Mercantile, Galerie Hertz

"Miss Grits" by Jacque Parsley, 17x14x1in, mixed media collage (2016), $250 | BUY NOW

"Miss Grits" by Jacque Parsley, 17x14x1in, mixed media collage (2016), $250 | BUY NOW

"I Remember Florence" by Jacque Parsley, 18x15x1in, mixed media collage (2016), $250 | BUY NOW

"I Remember Florence" by Jacque Parsley, 18x15x1in, mixed media collage (2016), $250 | BUY NOW

"Eastern Hemisphere" by Jacque Parsley, 20x17x1in, mixed media collage (2016), $300 | BUY NOW

"Eastern Hemisphere" by Jacque Parsley, 20x17x1in, mixed media collage (2016), $300 | BUY NOW

Are you interested in being on Artebella? Click here to learn more.

Written by Keith Waits. Entire contents copyright © 2016 Louisville Visual Art. All rights reserved.

Please contact josh@louisvillevisualart.org for further information on advertising through Artebella.

Please contact josh@louisvillevisualart.org for further information on advertising through Artebella.